Thursday, December 29, 2011

Become A Fashionista From Now On

Do you want to become a fashionista? Do you want to be the fashion icon among your friends? It is not so difficult in your imagination. You only need to follow these steps and find your own pink fashion style.

Buy some fashion magazines at a regular time, and then you can follow the latest fashion trends. Moreover, you also need a camera, a pen or pencil and a computer.

Look through your fashion magazine and try to match the outfits displayed. They won't be the exact same of course but you get the idea. Take a picture of each and every different outfit and style you model.

And then you need to put together different outfits using your own fashion sense. When you have the outfit on, use a camera and take a picture of yourself. Feel free to add accessories with each outfit. Try out different shoes or hats or whatever accessory you choose. Don’t forget to buy bijou jewelry, and the charms jewelry will immediately make you stunning and charming.

Try different fashion styles. You can fix your hair and makeup to match or whatever you choose. This will of course take more time so it depends on how much of that you have.

When you're done trying on different coordinating outfits upload your pictures or have your film developed. When you have done this spread out the hard copies of the photos where you can view them all.

Choose your favorite photos and then study them closely. What do you like best about the picture? What do you feel you wear the best? Looking at ourselves in a mirror is still different than looking at ourselves in a photo. By narrowing down your favorite pictures you can figure out what you wear best. This is your fashion style. Wear it and own it and enjoy it!

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