Wednesday, December 21, 2011

90-Year-Old Fasthionista Iris Apfel and Her Make-UP Collection

Can you image what is your life like when you are 90 years old? Take a look at this 90-year-old fashionista, Iris Apfel. She has recently teamed up with MAC to launch a new range of make-up. And those make-ups are estimated to be on sale from January 5, 2012.

The range proves, yet again, that the wonderfully outspoken nonagenarian is beyond compartmentalising - falling far outside the usual fashions associated with those old enough to be great grand-mothers. 

Naturally, the new line is full of bombastically bright lipsticks, attention-grabbing nail lacquers and unambiguous hues of eye-shadow. MAC says the range is 'a colour collection inspired by a rare bird who has always been ahead of her time.' The colourful, bright and unashamedly attention-seeking range keeps with the style maven's eccentric fashion tastes.

The silver-haired clothes horse and lover of saucer-shaped glasses, a New York native, has always had a streak for the unorthodox. She loves bright colors, silver charms beads and leather bracelets. Her unique glasses, red lip and red fingernails become her exclusive fashion trade mark.

In the past, Ms Apfel has admitted feeling out of step with her time, telling the Telegraph earlier this year that she 'lives in the Dark Ages, the 17th century.'

Perhaps at odds with many of her peers' tastes, the palette she has chosen for the line is as contemporary as ever, with a hot pink lipstick that would not look out of place on another of the make-up company's fans, Nicki Minaj.

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