Thursday, November 10, 2011

Kim Kardashian’s Marriage Breakdown

Kim Kardashian has a fairystal wedding early this year; however, she came across marriage breakdown 3 months later. Kim and Kris married in a lavish ceremony in Montecito, California, on August 20. Their short marriage looks like a ridiculous joke.

The season premiere will air in little over two weeks - and no doubt this 30-second trailer will whet the appetite of Kardashian fans.

The ad opens with Kim, Kris, Kourtney and her boyfriend Scott Disick emerging from a helicopter, decked out in their finery. Kim wore a set of shinning jewelries, including a pair of earrings and gems necklace.

A series of snapshots are then aired, including Kourtney telling her sister: 'If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be.’ Then a dramatic voice over proclaims: 'Not every fairytale has a happy ending'. The footage show Kim - looking tearful at one point - and Kris coming to blows - confirming the honeymoon period didn't last long. In one clip, Kim blasts Kris: 'Your wife has to find out you're in a different country on Twitter...' Kris appears to find comfort in Scott, though, with the two going out partying together in the Big Apple.

'He's been out partying every night this week,' Kourtney complains, apparently referring to boyfriend Scott in a conversation with Kim. There is also a hint that the boys are up to no good when Disick warns Kris, following a night out clubbing: '90,000 people took your picture. It's going to be on the internet'.

The footage aired last month in a two part wedding special, before Kim's announcement just over a week ago that she was filing for divorce after just 72 days of marriage. During that time, the E! television cameras have captured the breakdown of the couple's short-lived marriage for one last juicy installment. The new trailer has since been removed from YouTube. Meanwhile, Kim was spotted on location today in Atlanta for The Marriage Counsellor, an upcoming movie in which she will play a cameo role.

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